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Set: Swing away device + extended horizontal bar
Swing-away and Tilting Devices

Set: Swing away device + extended horizontal bar

for Felder F 700 M, F 900 M / Format4 profil 45 M from year of manufacture 04/2014 | including extension bar 05.0.030Art. No. 430-016

Allows swivelling away from the machine without dismantling the power feed unit Continue

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The power feeder swing away device provides maximum operating convenience. The power feeder remains on the machine and no longer needs to be dismantled.

FELDER® Quality and precision from AUSTRIA
Set: swing away device + Extension tube
The swivel-away unit for the feed apparatus provides you with a maximum of operating comfort. 
Feeder unit remains on the machine and does not need to be removed.

Experience the Felder advantage!

Technical information

Execution including extension bar 05.0.030
Suitable for Felder F 700 M, F 900 M / Format4 profil 45 M from year of manufacture 04/2014